Reflection 60

 For the entirety of today's class period we worked on the benchmark test. Some of our teachers were against so many tests in such quick succession, but try a some of those teachers might, the district doesn't care about how the students feel about any of this. They'll find a way to make this as miserable an experience as possible, school that is. It'll be test after test for the next couple of weeks. I'm definitely not excited. Though, I genuinely wonder why school is made out to be this largely unchangeable thing. I mean, the idea that school has to be taught in such an excruciatingly boring way is a bit depressing, No? I just don't get why anyone would create this complicated "thing" that just make others unhappy. What is reality? I'm sure i'm being melodramatic, but no one wants to wake up every single day just to be put through something that will stress them out.


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