Reflection 9

  As today was the first day chromebooks were readily available the class was given the option of taking notes digitally. I took advantage of this choice. During class we went over the aspects of a rhetorical situation. The different aspects included; exigence, speaker, context, purpose, text, message, audience, and genre. With these aspects in mind we watched an extemporaneous speech performed by the mayor of Atlanta, Keysia Lance Bottoms. I found her passion when speaking on George Floyd protests/riots inspiring and persuasive. Overall, I learned a large sum on rhetorical situations.

Log 11:

 I wake up, and am immediately blinded by a bright yellowy-white light. I squint rolling over onto my side. I flinch when Instead of shards of ice and snow I feel cotton sheets. Where am I?! After letting my eyes adjust to the light, I sit up, peering around the room, I take in my surroundings. I’m in a small cube shaped space, with nothing but the small low to the ground cot I’m sitting on and a toilet and a sink, It looks like a cell.


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