Reflection 7

  Today was the day for group presentations, two groups at least. I was only mainly present for the first group’s go round. I enjoyed the work they had done. The illustrator of the group did a wonderful job, not only with their art, but with their explanation as well. They really drove the point home in my opinion. I learned that the metaphor “life ain’t no crystal stair” alludes to how life isn’t easy. From what I saw of class, it went well.

Log 9:

 How can my current situation get any more bizarre? Why would anyone build a solid concrete structure in the middle of nowhere? And why is there a single bell on top? I ponder the absurdity of my situation for a moment. A shiver snaps me out of my thoughts and I rattle off a few harsh coughs. I nearly collapse from the pain, that is only worsening as the moments pass me by. Being surprised by every not so little thing won’t help me. I spare another glance at the small bell, I squint examining it best I can. I lean to the side, making the glare less blinding and I notice something. It looks like there are marks in it, the bell…maybe dents?

I decide to test a theory. I drop to my knees, as gently as I can,(I’m in bad condition as it is). And I comb through the snow, searching for a…”hears one!” I blurt out, voice hoarse partly from the cold, mostly from dehydration. I take the rock I’ve just retrieved from the snow and chuck it at the bell. I start to huff out of frustration when it looks as if it will miss, but when a loud ding rings out I pause, eyes once again trained on the lazy cake of concrete towering over me. I hear a loud whirring as a door shaped cut out of the structure opens.


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