Reflection 4

  We took a vocabulary test today, I imagine I did pretty well. To my understanding there were only one or two, available chromebooks. So, those who didn’t have a phone passed that one chromebook around. We took our pre-tests in much the same fashion. Speaking of not having enough, we were supposed to have turned in our composition notebooks for a grade today, but I don’t currently possess one. So, I turned in a couple bellringers for at least part of a grade. I find the fact that we need a notebook for both bellringers and notes, frankly inconvenient and unnecessary. It’s annoying having to carry so many books around, but I suppose that’s just the way the classroom is run.

Log 5: 

As I clench my fists, straining, I notice what exactly I'm holding to, snow. I look up, I see nothing but snow. I’m stranded.


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